Meals and Menus
The nursery offers children a healthy, nutritious, balanced diet. Children have freshly prepared cooked meals each day. Children are encouraged to develop good eating habits. The food provided at the nursery is healthy and home cooked with some of the meat being produced on the owners farm. Vegetables are used from the vegetable patch at the nursery to enable the children to understand where the food has come from. The process of planting the seed, watering and feeding, watching the seed grow and eventually picking the vegetables to have for our lunch is an important process.
Children are involved with a variety cooking activities, both indoor and out. Outside children make and prepare food in the outdoor classroom for their meals. Planned forest school activity sessions incorporate children making their own meals. Indoors children make and bake a variety of different meals. Baking and making food related to religious festivals is planned for, however spontaneous opportunities for cooking regularly take place. Children in the Bumblebee classroom have a snack bar for morning snack, offering them to make a healthy choice of what they would like to eat. The children in the classroom dish out their own food at dinnertime to increase independence and to allow the child to portion out what he/she would like to eat (with assistance!)
If your child has special dietary requirements these are easily catered for. We are sensitive towards children’s dietary requirements relating to their cultural and religious practises. Over the past year the setting has been working towards the Healthy Early Years Award and as part of the award we have been focusing on healthy eating throughout the setting. As part of the every day routine children are developing an understanding of why we have healthy choices for snacks and main meals, as well as balancing the physical activity they are participating in.